Sins of a Bad Boy (The Original Bad Boys Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  One arm that was around William’s neck dropped down, and she stared at her torn dress.

  William held her tight and smoothed her hair from her face.

  “It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” His hard stare shifted to Silk. “Where the fuck were you?”

  “I only left for a minute to help one of the girls untie herself. I told Ivy to stay put.”

  Markson protested, so Silk pressed his hand harder against his mouth and held his hair in a death grip.

  William looked down at Ivy. “Did Markson force you?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was steady now; her tears had subsided, making way for anger. “He yanked me to the bed. I was completely overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do. I told him that I didn’t work there, and then he laughed, saying that he was getting hard because of how well I was in character. That he’d ordered a girl who would protest, just like I did. I kept telling him to stop.”

  “How many times did he hit you?” William questioned with bite.

  “Twice before you came. On my thigh—”she straightened her legs, held her torn dress closed in a fist to hide her breasts, and traced the red mark. Then she leaned back, tracing just below her belly button—“and my stomach.”

  Markson protested, shaking his head, trying to wring free but held immobile by Silk.

  William pointed angrily at Markson and snarled through clenched teeth, “Don’t you fucking even look at her!” At that point, William covered her with his ivory sheet.

  Ivy and William stared at one another for what seemed like an eternity, and he held on to her. Just as she was about to speak, Charles entered.

  Ivy leaned her head on William’s chest again and wound her arm around his middle.

  William became rigid, not used to this kind of physical contact, but promptly hid it and rubbed his palm up and down her arm while laying the other on her hip, pulling her tightly against him.

  Charles eyed their snug position. “The guard told me there was a commotion.”

  “Markson hit her,” William explained.

  Charles addressed her instantly, “How are you feeling, Ivy?”

  “Fine,” she answered softly, clinging to her now-hero, William.

  William cupped Ivy’s cheek, making her tilt her head. “Sit on the bed for a second.”

  He lifted her off his lap, and she sat on the bed with her feet on the floor, holding the sheet up to her breasts.

  Charles had entered with pliers and handed them to William, who held them up as he stood beside Markson’s chair.

  Markson’s eyes widened in horror.

  Charles folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the bed post.

  Silk yanked Markson’s head back, stretching his throat, and removed his palm from his mouth. Before Markson could utter a word, Silk cupped his chin and dug his fingers into his cheeks, so that his mouth was forced open.

  Markson struggled in his seat, so William placed his knee in his groin – making him howl – and captured his chin, pinning him with his violent gaze. “You should learn to never touch what’s mine.” William then held up the pliers and pressed the metal handles, constricting his grip on the tooth.

  Sweat poured down Markson’s temples as he furtively attempted to move.

  William waited five seconds. Then he ripped his tooth out, blood streaming into Markson’s mouth since his head was held back.

  A pathetic scream erupted with a fit of coughing as William dropped the tooth into Markson’s mouth and, in another lightning fast move, pulled a second tooth. Then, he quickly compressed the pliers on his molar and yanked, but the back tooth didn’t come out. William gripped the handles harder and pursed his lips, ripping the molar from Markson’s gum. The crunch was undoubtedly heard by everyone present in the room.

  “Oh my god!” Ivy brought her hand over her mouth and shut her eyes tightly, grimacing.

  At last, William deposited the third tooth into Markson’s mouth, smothering his shouts of sheer agony as he spluttered blood.

  “Never touch what’s mine!” William reiterated through his severe breathing.

  Markson was so weak at this point that William could remove his knee from Markson’s groin.

  “Swallow your fucking teeth,” William hissed and pinched his nose closed. “Swallow. Them!”

  Markson gagged, but Silk and William kept his mouth locked, then saw his throat working as he swallowed his own teeth.

  They both released him, and Markson’s head slouched forward and to the side. With blood-drenched spit drizzling down his chin, he tried to mumble something incoherent.

  William gauged Charles, who was unreadable, and Charles motioned with his head toward Ivy to get her out of there.

  William held out his hand to Ivy, and this time, she took it without hesitation.

  Charles walked up to Markson as William and Ivy exited.


  Back in William’s apartment, he and Ivy went straight to the bathroom.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Sounding foreign even to himself, William’s voice was reassuring as they stood facing one another in front of the mirror.

  He stripped her torn dress and tossed it aside. Then he lifted Ivy by her waist to settle her on the edge of the marble sink.

  She scrutinized him with a confused expression while he washed his hands and spluttered water on his face. Next, he made quick work of wetting a towel, and he dipped down to retrieve cream from the cabinet, setting it on the counter.

  Instead of cleaning her himself, he offered, “Do you want to wash in the tub?”

  Her gaze settled on the Grecian bathtub, and she nodded, so William filled it.

  As she stepped into the water, he left the room.

  He got a linen shirt from his dresser drawer and pitched it onto his bed.

  After that, he undid his suspenders and unbuttoned his shirt, hurling them into the hamper in the corner of his room.

  With a heavy sigh, he plopped onto his bed and waited patiently until Ivy finished bathing.

  It only took Ivy five minutes to darken the doorway with the towel wrapped around her. Her eyes were watery, like they often were, and a little red.

  There had been an obvious shift in their interaction, and that discomfited them both.

  In an effort to expel that feeling, William said, “Get the tube of cream, Ivy.”

  She spun around, then came back into the bedroom, stopping close in front of him and handing over the tube.

  William uncapped it and splayed a pea-size drop on his forefinger to wipe over the red mark on her thigh. “This will stop the burning sensation and prevent scarring.”

  William looked up as he slid the edge of the towel higher to expose her stomach.

  Ivy’s hand gripped his shoulder.

  Without getting distracted by having his face near her bare pussy, he rubbed more balm on the mark across her stomach and let the towel fall back into place.

  “It’s soothing,” she murmured and then added while observing him, “Thank you...for...” She didn’t finish her thought, baffled to no end about tonight’s turn of events.

  William covered her hand with his in acceptance of her gratitude and was silent for a while before he commented, “Wear my shirt, Ivy.”

  She did as told, blatantly letting the towel drop, showing her appealing curves before she put his shirt on.

  William walked out of the room, and she trailed behind him toward the kitchen.

  At the mahogany kitchen island with pots and pans hanging above it, he opened a carton of take-out containing one leftover grilled steak.

  Ivy was searching for sustenance too, because she placed her finger on the handle of the brown grocery bag and tipped it to check the contents but didn’t take anything out except the bottle of iced tea.

  William was pleased, yet surprised, that she wasn’t skittish at this moment.

  He opened the drawer and took out a knife and fork. From the cabinet behind him, he retrieved a porcelain
plate and started to cut the cold meat and eat it. William was a true carnivore, and restaurants in the Loop had the most delicious meat-filled menus of elk, caribou, and moose.

  Ivy came to stand beside him and stole pieces of meat from his plate, popping them into her mouth as well.

  His brows lifted slightly, and he chuckled around a piece of meat.

  Ivy’s hand stopped midway before she ate another piece. “What?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that I’ve never met a woman who can eat as much meat as I can.”

  She simply shrugged as William opened the drawer and offered her a fork, which she didn’t take. She just took cut pieces with her fingers while William poured a glass of water for each of them.

  Within a few huge bites, the elk disappeared, and he chucked the dishes into the sink, then leaned back with his hands grasping the counter edge.

  He had to bring up what had happened. “How are you feeling?”

  Ivy mirrored his position, standing across from him. “Strange. I...It wasn’t even that painful. But…it was more the shock of him doing it. Of that creepy man touching me.” She took an encouraging breath, but didn’t finish her train of thought.

  “What do you want to say?” he urged her to continue in a compassionate tone.

  Their stare said so much yet so little. She must have felt the same change in their connection.

  “Well, I would’ve reacted differently if it had been you, for example.”

  Privately, William rejoiced in triumph, but he didn’t move a muscle. “How so?”

  She worried her lip and looked away, hesitant to speak the words he counted on her to say.

  “Because I’m drawn to you.” Her eyes met his as she rubbed her temple. “But I don’t want to be. I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Maybe you should stop thinking,” he countered and took one step forward so that his chest brushed hers.

  He didn’t allow her any time to process as he cradled her cheeks and crashed his mouth down onto hers, kissing her doubt away.

  William plunged his tongue inside, and they were feverish in their need, sparking arousal. William still had adrenaline rushing through his veins, and he sensed that Ivy felt the same way.

  She clawed at his biceps and chest, twining her arms around William’s neck as he lifted her up with his large hands on her ass.

  Without breaking their needy kiss, he treaded back to his bedroom, bumping against the wall and doorway before he tossed her onto the bed and destroyed her shirt, wanting her naked desperately.

  William roughly slid her to the edge of the bed and kneeled down. His hands gripped Ivy high up her inner thighs to spread her pussy lips wide with his thumbs and he dove in, sucking her already wet mound.

  “Ahh!” Ivy clasped his hair and grinded against his lips, smearing her juices all over his mouth as he licked and sucked, exploring wildly while his cock hardened.

  He came up for air and stood, as Ivy lay with her legs wide, and unfastened his pants, gawking at her glistening core.

  “Finger your pussy for me,” he demanded, and she obliged, a bit shyly, sending a bolt of pleasure through his balls.

  She seemed helpless to resist the animalistic desire he stoked in her.

  William watched Ivy push a finger inside herself as he toed off his shoes and kicked aside his slacks and boxers.

  Bending forward again, he locked an arm around her waist and slid her up the center of his king-sized bed.

  Even though Ivy wasn’t especially short, she seemed tiny in his bed, and he reveled in her exotic beauty. She wasn’t a porcelain doll, but a woman with sun-kissed skin and curves that drove a man wild. It had been a while since William was this eager to ride a woman.

  He lay between her legs while she was still fingering herself, looking at him with parted lips that released sighs of ecstasy.

  “I want you to scream when I drive my cock inside you, baby,” William breathed, astounding even himself since he usually wanted his women to be quiet.

  He also pushed a finger inside, thrusting in with the same motion she did.

  Ivy whimpered, and he gave her a hard kiss before pulling back and adding a second finger when she removed hers.

  As he ground his shaft against her hip, he said, “Let me suck your finger.”

  Without giving it a second thought, Ivy brought it to his lips, and he greedily licked her finger clean while she curved her back as William buried his fingers inside her.

  Her skin was an inferno of desire, and he needed to feel her heat around him. It thrilled William that she was always so warm to the touch.

  Their eyes locked, and he saw unbridled lust in hers. She got off on his crude words and rough handlings.

  William removed his fingers and flipped her over. Then dragged her up.

  “On your knees,” he said, his arm secured around her middle as he got on his knees as well.

  With his chest against her back, he guided her to the corner of the bed and traveled his palms down her arms to lift her hands and wrap her fingers around the post.

  Then he wound her curls around one hand and grasped her hip with the other, tugging her head back and growling into her ear, “I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, and you’re going to love it. Hold tight.”

  Heeding William’s warning, she gripped the bed post tightly with one hand underneath the other.

  Ivy was soaking wet, so William was able to drive his thick length inside easily. His head fell back as he felt her flesh give, and Ivy bowed her back seductively when he slammed inside to the hilt.

  A low groan left his lips as he started to hammer inside her, flesh slapping together when Ivy pushed back, screaming louder as he fucked her harder. William had wanted to take her this hard since the first time he met her, and she didn’t disappoint him.

  Ivy’s back curved, and William lay his palm on her shoulder as he sifted his fingers in her curls. All the while, his legs rubbed the back of her soft thighs.

  He rotated his hips a bit, and as she shouted out her longing, he felt her inner walls milking his cock. William rolled his hips twice more, plunging with increased power and speed until pleasure overtook him too. And he withdrew rapidly, spurting low on her back as he relished an intense climax that shuddered all the way to the tips of his toes.

  Then, he released her hair, his forehead resting against the back of her head as hers leaned against the bed post, and he cruised his palms down her arms, ending at her hips.

  They remained in that position, kneeling on the bed for seconds, minutes, hours. He didn’t know. All he heard was ragged breathing.

  Eventually, William let her go and dropped back onto his bed.

  Ivy slowly faced him, plainly nervous after the fact.

  This is the part where William’s experience was zero to none. He didn’t want to talk or cuddle now, but he realized he had to do one of them.

  Instead, he chose to get up to wet a washcloth in the bathroom.

  When he returned with it, Ivy was on her haunches, head bent.

  William cleaned her lower back and pitched the cloth into the hamper in the corner.

  “Go to sleep, Ivy.”

  She wanted to say and ask so much, he could tell. But to prevent any questions, William crawled under the sheets and held them open for her.

  She joined him and lay on her back, her position mirroring his, stare fixed on the ceiling.

  Neither made a move to touch the other, and William was relieved. There was a nagging feeling eating away at him. A feeling he hadn’t experienced in years. His mission was accomplished, yet it wasn’t victory that dominated his mind at the moment.


  One hour passed until William was sure Ivy was sleeping deeply, lying on her side, her back to him. Naked, in his bed. Never in his entire life had William slept in the same bed with someone. It was wholly uncomfortable.

  He scrubbed his stubble to dispel that distressing feeling he’d had since he fucked her and decided t
o leave the bed.

  After getting up and slipping into his boxers, he grabbed a pair of metal handcuffs, similar to the ones he had in his underground room, and walked around to Ivy’s side of the bed on the left.

  Her eyelids were red, but she was sleeping peacefully with her arm tucked under the pillow, extended toward the bedpost. It seemed as if she were offering him her wrist to cuff. Fate was hilarious sometimes. Slowly, he clicked one end around her wrist and the other around the bedpost. Luckily, she didn’t notice or stir at all.

  Instead of leaving right away, he stood there, studying her sleeping form for a long time, and then he left, aggravated. Why, he didn’t want to examine and, instead, tamped it down by going into the next room, which was his workout sanctuary.

  Just as William was finished with his sets of eight reps of bicep curls, he heard a soft rap on the elevator door. Something William and Charles did late at night when they needed to talk to one another but didn’t want to invade the other’s home without any warning.

  Dropping the halters, he made his way to the door.

  As suspected, Charles was standing on the other side.

  “Can you talk?” Charles whispered.

  William held out his arm toward the living room, inviting him in. “Yes, but talk softly. She’s sleeping in the bedroom.”

  Charles nodded and perched against the armrest of the sofa. “And did our plan work?”

  William stood with his feet shoulder-width apart, a hand rubbing his jawline. “Yes. She sees me as her hero now.”

  Charles angled his head and cast a questioning look upon William. “You seem bothered. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just tired,” he lied, not revealing his rioting emotions of lust for Ivy.

  “Hmmm…okay… Why did you rough up Markson that badly?” Charles asked and added, “Didn’t he do as planned and ordered?”

  “He did, somewhat. I told him that I would make his fantasy come true: have an employee in a red dress waiting for him at the bar and that she’d argue and fight when he played with her. I also instructed him to wait until I was present to touch or whip her because I supposedly wanted us to do it together. She was not supposed to be touched! When I saw her there, looking so fragile, I lost it. We had a score to settle with Markson anyway, so I’m not sorry about what I did. What did you do with him?”